Nordic Network on Fish Welfare
The Nordic Network on Fish Welfare serves as a discussion group
to work on and promote the welfare of farmed fish in the Nordic countries.

About the network
The Nordic Network on Fish Welfare gathers expertise on fish welfare and understands that a joint effort of physiologists, immunologists, ethologists, engineers and fish farmers is needed to better quantify, understand and improve the welfare conditions of the fish in aquaculture and other human-related activities with fish.
Among the main objectives of the network is the promotion of collaboration among Nordic partners towards the improvement of fish welfare in aquaculture facilities in the region.
The network is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Members of the network
- Technical University of Denmark
- Nofima, Norway
- University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- National Resources Institute (Luke), Finland
- Nord University, Norway
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden
- Hólar University, Iceland
- Firum, Faeroe Islands